Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Final Thought

It has been almost 2 months since our team has gotten back from SE Asia. Despite our new experience, our endless hours of sensory bombardment, and our extreme exhaustion, I, speaking on behalf of the group, have managed to get back into our common and comfortable living style. It's strange how quickly I've readjusted; I mean it has only been 2 months. It feels as if I was dreaming and that memory is starting to fade away. My busy seminarian life, my responsibilities and duties started to put aside the amazing experience I have encountered. Couple of days after our return, I was telling tails of our epic journey. But now, I need to retell my own story just to remember... I hope this video will remind me of my experience in SE Asia.

Southeast Asia 2011 from Megan Hunt Fryling on Vimeo.

(Direct Video Link)

More to Come

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